BWH Foxborough DoN

In December 2019, BWH received approval from DPH for a DoN application to expand MRI and CT imaging services at the Brigham and Women's/Mass General Health Care Center in Foxborough. In late 2019 through early 2020, an Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee comprised of local Foxborough leaders was established to identify priority health needs that should be addressed with this investment. As part of this process, three community meetings were held in February 2020 to gather community input as part of this identification process. Through these efforts, the following two key areas for investment were identified and subsequently approved by DPH: 1) Expanding transportation access; and 2) Mental health linkage systems.

To apply for funding, please submit a letter of intent (LOI) by April 7, 2021. To view additional information about the LOI and the LOI application template, please click here. To view a press release about this opportunity published in the Foxboro Reporter (3/18/21), please click here. Questions from LOI applicants, and their accompanying answers, will be posted here for all to see. You can ask questions by emailing Applicants will be notified by April 21, 2021 if they have been selected to submit a Request for Proposal.

Applicant Questions and Answers

  • Question: Does the 25% reference only indirect costs?
    • Answer Yes. In other words, your proposed indirect costs must not exceed 25% of the direct expenses. For example, if $100 were requested, only $25 could go towards indirect costs, and the remaining $75 would go towards program delivery.
  • Question: Can the funds be used to support salaried positions beyond only one quarter of the awarded monies?
    • Answer: Yes so long as these salaried positions are integral to the program’s operations.
  • Question: Do applicants need to be Foxborough-based organizations serving Foxborough residents?
    • Answer: While the applicant does not need to be based in Foxborough, the funding must benefit those who live and/or work in Foxborough.
  • Question: Is the Virtual Bidders Information Session for those who have been invited to submit in both focus areas or just one?
    • Answer: The Virtual Bidders Information Session is for all invited applicants (both focus areas).
  • Question: Is it possible for the Allocation Committee to award partial funding to one applicant and partial funding to another, and potentially ask them to work together if they have complimentary proposals?
    • Answer: The Allocation Committee can decide whether to award all funding to one applicant in each focus area or multiple applicants in each focus area. If the Allocation Committee sees a potential synergy between proposals, it could present the idea to the applicants to see if there is interest. Any final programmatic plans require the selected applicant(s)’s input and agreement.
  • Question: Often systemic change comes through policy and advocacy, but what if our organization does not do this type of work? How can we address the systemic effect question?
    • Answer: Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate awareness of systemic inequities pertinent to their focus area and consider how their work connects to upstream efforts, regardless of whether or not they engage in policy/advocacy. Applicants are encouraged to reflect on how their work may break down inequitable barriers or systems for their clients. In other words, while this funding may not eliminate systemic inequities, how will it aid the applicant in breaking them down for individuals or a community?
  • Question: What is the percentage of funds that can be utilized for personnel?
    • Answer: It depends on your proposal. If personnel are considered a direct expense, then there is not percentage limit. If personnel are considered an indirect expense, then there is a 25% cap on funds that can be allocated towards indirect expenses.
  • Question: Once we submit an RFP, are we told by June 9th?
    • Answer: Yes, you will be informed by June 9, 2021 whether or not you have been awarded funding.
  • Question: Can funds be shifted from one focus area to the other focus area or are the amounts allocated to each category set?
    • Answer: The amounts allocated are set. They were selected by the Foxborough Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee, a group of local Foxborough leaders, earlier in this DoN process based on the community input gathered while identifying priority areas.
  • Question: What are you looking for in terms of number of pages?
    • Answer: Your proposal narrative should not exceed 10 pages double-spaced. Use one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. You do not need to fill 10 pages, but the space is there as needed.
  • Question: If we are awarded partial funding requested, do we still need to spend the funding over the course of the grant’s three years or would we be able to spend the total amount in less time?
    • Answer: The Allocation Committee will consider proposals to use funding in less than three years if a partial funding determination is made.
  • Question: We have been thinking a lot about sustainability and what happens when this funding ends. Any thoughts?
    • Answer: Sustainability is always a challenging, yet critical piece to consider when applying for limited grant funding. While investing in infrastructure or certain resources (as oppose to salary costs) may last longer than the three year grant cycle, the answer is organization-specific given the existing resources, potential opportunities, and the intricacies of each organization.

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