Awards, Honors, and Grants

May 02, 2012

Redline Receives Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments

Susan Redline, MD, MPH, Peter C. Farrell Professor of Sleep Medicine in the Division of Sleep Medicine at BWH, received the American Thoracic Society’s 2012 Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments.  This award recognizes Redline’s outstanding scientific contributions in clinical and epidemiological research designed to understand the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. 

Redline’s research includes large-scale cohort studies that examine the genetic, environmental, and behavioral risk factors for sleep disorders and their links to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. She leads a number of clinical trials in both adults and children examining the role of sleep interventions in improving blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, quality of life and cognition. She is the director of the BWH Sleep Reading Center which oversees the collection and integration of sleep data in large multicenter studies, leading the development of innovative methods for sharing research data with the scientific community.

She serves on the board of directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, chairs the Steering Committee for the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative National Sleep Network and co-Chairs the International Collaborative of Sleep Apnea Trialists. Redline is also the deputy editor of SLEEP, the official publication of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.  She will receive the Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments at this year’s American Thoracic Society International Conference.

Susan Redline, MD, MPH
Susan Redline, MD, MPH