Getting Started as a General Volunteer

1.) Express interest in volunteering at BWH by emailing and include the following information:

  • Subject Line: Interest in volunteering at BWH
  • Your name
  • Contact information (daytime phone number and email address)
  • Brief description of volunteer interests

You will receive a confirmation email from the Program & Training Coordinator that will include a link to sign up for an upcoming interview as well as a link to the volunteer application and a comprehensive list of all the documentation that will need to be collected (at or before your interview).

2.) Gather/complete the following items PRIOR to your interview:

  • Volunteer Application (link sent in confirmation email from Program & Training Coordinator)
  • Visa information, if applicable
  • Immunization records (Infection Control Standards for Health Clearance form may be completed by your physician; please view both pages of the form for further instruction)
    • Required: Recent TB-test, plant and result (received within the last 90 days), Covid-19 initial vaccine series, and flu shot (if during flu season, typically November-May)
  • Two references (professional or academic) should be submitted to
  • Photo (See requirements here)
  • Note: Minor volunteers (ages 16-17) will also need to provide minor consent forms

3.) Attend scheduled interview appointment with Program & Training Coordinator

  • Please contact the Program & Training Coordinator if you can no longer attend your scheduled interview date/time
  • Volunteer placements are based on the needs of the hospital, and the prospective volunteer’s availability. Individuals may come to the interview prepared with departments of interest, but there may not be a placement available in that department. Specific department requests are not likely to occur.

4.) Contact the Volunteer Supervisor of agreed upon department placement to introduce yourself, express your interest in volunteering, provide your availability and that you will be able to start after attending NVO. You will receive their contact information during your interview. **This step must be done prior to attending NVO.

5.) Attend New Volunteer Orientation that you’ve registered for with the Program and Training Coordinator during your interview.

  • Receive BWH ID badge, volunteer jacket ($21 cash only deposit), and PIN number to sign in/out for shifts from Volunteer Program & Training Coordinator

6.) Begin volunteering!