Mihm Cutaneous Pathology Consultative Service

Contact Mihm Cutaneous Pathology Consultative Service

Address to send consultations:

Mihm Cutaneous Pathology Consultative Service
Brigham and Women's Hospital
41 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Room 317
Boston, MA 02115

Phone: (617) 264-3030
Fax: (617) 264-3013
E-mail: Please direct any consult inquiries or questions to mihmconsults@bwh.harvard.edu

Medical Director

Adriano Piris, MD

Practice Coordinator

Pauline Rand-Oljey

To request return of material/slides:

Please call 617-264-3030 or requests can be sent in writing to mihmconsults@bwh.harvard.edu*

*Material will only be returned at the original sender’s request

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