The Gretchen S. and Edward A. Fish Center for Women’s Health is a multi-specialty practice serving women and men, located at 850 Boylston Street in Chestnut Hill. The Fish Center for Women's Health has outstanding physicians, physician assistants, nurses, medical assistants and administrative staff who will coordinate your healthcare needs from the time of your initial visit through your follow-up care.
The goal of the Fish Center for Women's Health is to provide high quality, integrated clinical services and education based on leading-edge research on women’s health and gender-specific care. The practice supports areas of health where the risk and prevalence of disease in women is of particular importance, and those areas in which women have been traditionally under-diagnosed, under-treated, or underserved.
The Fish Center for Women's Health offers primary care and specialties, including: cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynecology (including urogynecology), hematology, infectious diseases, mental health, neurology, nutrition, pulmonology, renal medicine, rheumatology, and sleep medicine. The Fish Center for Women's Health also offers a variety of specialty programs, including the PCOS Program, the Menopause and Midlife Clinic, and the Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasm Clinic.
For over 180 years, Brigham and Women’s Hospital has been the most trusted name in women’s health – a world leader in helping women live longer, healthier lives. Brigham and Women’s Hospital is committed to improving the health of women and transforming their medical care through sex- and gender-based research on disease, outcomes and the delivery of care. The Fish Center for Women's Health is an important component in our women’s health mission.