Vascular and Vein Care Centers Medical Treatment Recovery

At the Vein Care Center, your customized treatment plan will be designed to offer you the most effective results with the shortest recovery time. Your Vein Care Center physician will provide more details about what you can expect after your procedure.

Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT®) Recovery

Following your EVLT® procedure, you can resume your normal activities with the exception of any vigorous activity such as working out at a gym or running. We encourage you to walk right after the procedure to increase circulation and promote healing, and you’ll wear a compression stocking for 7 days.

While you may experience some minimal pain or bruising 7-10 days after treatment, typically non-aspirin or an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication is all you’ll need while the pain diminishes. You may also feel a pulling sensation or tightness about a week after the procedure that is normal and expected, and any minor bruising usually clears up after the first several weeks.

Sclerotherapy Recovery

After a sclerotherapy procedure, patients usually have little discomfort. There may be some temporary itching or cramping but this resolves itself quickly. You will wear a compression stocking for several days which helps to keep the treated vein closed. We encourage you to resume your normal activity right away and walk regularly to increase circulation and promote healing. You should avoid activities that put pressure on the treated area such as running or going to the gym. Any bruising or discoloration will fade over a period of several weeks.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy Recovery

Following the extraction procedure, you may be asked to keep the leg elevated and stay off your feet for the first day. You may resume your normal activities after 24 hours except for strenuous activity that can be resumed after two weeks. A compression stocking is worn for two weeks and most patients experience minimal discomfort.

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